Emelyn Dimayuga Lipa Batangas ( Expat Marriage in the Philippines )
This Blog is designed for all the other guys that have or are about to marry in or outside the Philippines. Assist hopefully on ideas on how not to get ripped off in terms of money and property, please feel free to add or provide useful information to others.
My Circumstances, will follow this introduction, and whilst i hate to admit it, have been ripped off to the tune of 100s thousands of pounds, due to the laws of the Philippines and how, the women of the Philippines use these laws to screw you over. Whilst i knew my wife for over 8 years and thought this could never happen, trust me her planning started over 3 years ago with an affair someone her junior of 18 years and a Philippine guy. Both set out to defraud myself of property and monies and as i will explain the law in the Philippines is designed against us ( Expats ) and there is very little you can do.
Trust me, when it all goes wrong, you will have people on her side, come out of the wood work and do nothing but lie, cheat against you despite swearing oaths and providing affidavits against you, based on getting % of what your wife gains.
I will now, state that i have friends that have married Philippine women and are happy and have been for some years now, however statistics are now getting worse and worse of the amount of expats getting ripped off due to pure greed of these women.
Having met my wife in Bahrain 2009, Emelyn Dimayuga, or Emelyn Cordero Dimayuga she likes to call herself. The relationship went well, we had trips to Dubai and back to the Philippines, were we would visit the family and her children. 3 weeks in to the relationship, her sister in law passed away and she had to return home to Batangas, again i gave her $1,000 to assist with the funeral arrangements and the fact that she has to take time of from work unpaid.
Due to work commitments, in 2010 i decided to end the relationship, due to her requesting not to, she decided to return home and it was decided i would send monthly allowance to support, whilst she lived with her father. At this time i even paid off her HSBC loan $2,000 in order for her to return home. Payments were sent on a regular basis and additional monies sent for times such as birthdays & Christmas, with me visiting the Philippines on a regular basis. I say the latter and i advise all, for everything you either purchase KEEP receipts of purchase or money transfers, as like my wife, later on they will claim, that you either didn't send monies or failed on your promises, even to the fact that i paid her sons school fees, uniforms, books, she would later claim that i did not, so keep those receipts. ( The fact that 5 years later, this is what my wife actually did ) Having all the receipts and money transfer records, omitted this claim, however further into this story, you will see how devious and dishonest some of these people can be.
Again due to the fact, that her fathers home had no AC i paid for upgrade to the toilet / Shower facilities to a cost of $2,000. Holidays around the Philippines were a regular basis and taking her and my daughter to both Bahrain & Dubai on frequent basis and i have put together in chronological order for you to see, in this blog.
The person in Question my wife Emelyn Dimayuga / Emelyn Cordero Dimayuga
Photos taken in Bahrain and Dubai ( Irish Village )
Photos below from previous holidays, with the family, my wife and daughter, prior to 2012, lets not forget, in 2017 this woman, would claim that she got NO support, Monies, and claimed hardship due to me not supporting her, despite me having all the transfer records of payments sent, which i will share later in the blog. Again i advise you to take and keep all your photos safe, just in case this happens to you, some not all, are prepared to wait a timeline to gain the rewards from you at any cost.
Also just bear in mind and take into consideration if your wife is not taking photos or displaying any in the house or residence, i failed to take this into account and its a sign she is not interested in memoirs what so ever, just the money in your account.
Despite claiming in 2017 she got no support back in 2010, the fund records will be presented later in the blog, but below evidence to the contrary that she fully agreed that i was working and providing for her and the family 100%
In 2011 she requested that we get fake marriage documents, in order for her to travel to Saudi & Bahrain, despite her getting these, i would not use for this purpose due to work issues. ( See Below ) she obtained these in Pasay Philippines
Despite visiting the Philippines and having my wife return to Bahrain on numerous occasions, it all has become apparent that the deceptive and plan to de-fraud me out of as much money as possible started in December 2012. This all came to light, after she left in April 2 2017, after finding paperwork in the garbage which she failed to destroy.
During my visit in December 2012, her fathers house ( Bedrooms ) had been turned into a computer shop, my wife informed me that her father had sold land and this money was used to set up the shop ( Yeah Right ) the start of many lies to come. Having found the original loan details, there was NO way my wife could have afforded the loan payments, and this was were her plan was put into motion.Monies left over were used to pay for a family holiday to Baguio for around 10 of her family + she also set up a business in the house selling cosmetics, on my visits back home, these would all be removed from the house until i departed. how did i find out ( Facebook ) whilst i never used to use this social media, if i had been, i would have not been in this situation, since she left after drawing all the monies out of the bank and absconding, the stuff i have found on facebook going back years, is amazing, so if your not on, i suggest you do and start searching, my wife had 4 accounts all under different names, birth dates, not one photo of the family together and none of the houses, property i had purchased, ( This is unique for a pinoy ) as they are always proud of what they have, this and other things i found, would have set alarm bells in the early stages. So get on Facebook.
Despite my wife advising she had never been to Baguio, the above holiday took place October 2012, prior to me returning for xmas to the Philippines. Origin one of her fake Facebook accounts.Paid for from the loan she had taken out to purchase the computers, whilst continuing to state, the loan was under her father. Total was more than 450,000 PHP to which she had no possible way to pay these installments. Based on the monthly allowance i sent each month. The below document, was found in trash at the property Beverly Hills Lipa . This was the start of her deception and plan to defraud, Lie, Cheat her way to deception of monies and property to the full.
Within my next trip back to the Philippines in a matter of months, the computer shop had failed and the computers removed, again she still stated, the monies, came from her father.
In 2013 Jan my daughter and wife accompanied me back to BAH, to where we went to Dubai, on a conference in Dubai, staying at the Atlantis hotel, having found one of here 4 Facebook accounts in 2017, the only photos are of our daughter, none of her accounts have photos of the holidays, Property. This was followed up with me returning to the Philippines 2-3 times, after she returned. Previously i had paid for my wife and daughter to return to Bahrain 2011
( See above Photos ) It was 2013 that having my wife continuously complain about the number of children in her fathers house and the noise to purchase our own house, and in 2013, this is exactly what i did, 3 years after she moved back to the Philippines, of course now she is claiming, that this was promised !!!!! the house was purchased at a cost of 5.6 Million PHP e.g. 90,000 UKL.
With me returning to Philippines, on my birthday or Christmas, through out 2013, she has claimed that the house was never furnished despite, evidence of all the transactions that took place on sending her money and the photos she send me via mobile of the furniture she was requesting ( Below )
Despite my concerns at the cost, my wife, had an affidavit, done buy a local lawyer, that she would not sell, mortgage, or rent the property and the monies had been paid by myself, do not waste you time having this done, it means nothing and is worthless
Above is the house in question, located in Lipa Batangas, Beverly Hills, within a year ( 2014 )she had mortgaged the house, ( 2 Loans, 1 Million October & 500,000 November ) reason for the loan on the paperwork ( Computer Shop ) with the Co-Operative Bank Batangas for 1.5 Million PHP. and started her affair with a local 22 year old Philippine guy, who from that time on wards set out to defraud my of as much property and money as they could. Jericho Quado Lipa Batangas, works at ( Pulido Apparel Company Calabarzon ) Philippines. Photos on the separate posting. Introduced the latter to our daughter as her cousin and the same to her son, you will see later in the blog, what effect this must have had, when she started sleeping with this individual in the same residence as her son and daughter.
Previous to her mortgaging the house, she and my daughter visited BAH for a month and in June on my return to the Philippines we vacated in Puerto Gallera ( Philippines ) with the whole family
As previously stated my wife has NO photos what so ever of any of these vacations, and it is at this stage, her whole intention, was to mortgage the house and defraud me of my assests.
It is here or shortly after she has started her affair with this local individual, when he would of been 20 years old, and he was introduced as her sons cousin, in order to get him used to him, you will see from her sons comments to me in a conversation Sept 2017 where she has disowned her son for this individual and despite stealing 3.5 Million PHP( 70,000 GBP ) from our bank, refused to pay his school fees
Below: Copies of Mortgage she had taken out on the above property 1,500,000 PHP = 30,000 GBP without my knowledge and less than a year after i purchased it. You will see that the monthly payments are so high there was NO way she could afford the monthly payments on this loan, so as early as November 2014 her plan to de-fraud me out of monies & property was well under way and in conjunction with the said person Jericho Quado.
I returned to the Philippines in December, 2014, still unaware of any of the above, with my wife acting normal and if nothing had happened. Since i had obtained my divorce, we had planned our wedding for Jan 2015 to which took place in Lipa, Batangas knowing
everything she had done and now in an illicit affair, she still went ahead with the marriage. ( Obviously to keep the presence up that all was ok. )
I returned to the Middle East shortly after being married and her affair continued with the same individual, both of them continuing to thief as much as possible in terms of monies & property ( I returned Jan 2015.) the following are either documents or photos i have discovered since she left in April 2017 after i was located to the Philippines with work, a dream move for me, but obviously a nightmare for her as i was to discover all the deception that had been going on with the property and her affair. Within days of me leaving, she was at La Virginia Resort Batangas with her long time friend Laura Vascella, this is a woman who would later claim she never knew me personally but would act as and provide an affidavit on behalf of my wife, in order to stop me returning to the Philippines for my civil case on the property. A woman, who you will see had my 2nd property advertised on her Facebook page, only 4 months after i purchased the property, so obviously had a monetary gain. She Now works for the Prudential PH, a woman who obtained a bank loan in Bahrain and absconded back to the Philippines and left her employee to pay the loan. Again all the following found on FACEBOOK
The below, is a week after we were married and shows my wife with the mother of her boyfriend , she absconded with.
The below, is actual photo tagging her lover to my property, on the day of ,my daughters birthday proving her was in the property, again i would send additional monies in order for her to have a birthday party ( Beverly Hills, Lipa, Batangas. It also shows the whole Guado family in attendance, these photos i had never seen until i found them on Facebook, 24th May 2015 4 months after the wedding
Having gone back in June 2015, my wife was acting like everything was normal, In 2014 i had sent monies for her to buy a car after continuous nagging that our daughter was having to get the tricycle to school, she knew that the love i had for my daughter, she would only have to mention her name and i would say yes, ( Despite not been my natural daughter i had legally given her my name ) and raised her since 4 months old, my used this relationship with the sole purpose of using her daughter for financial gain. Since the real father another westerner had left my wife after she got pregnant, i since discovered and my wife admits she deliberate got pregnant in an attempt to make this guy marry her. so since it was around her birthday 26th June 2014 i sent the monies for a birthday gift, monies to purchase a new car, however after visiting Batangas the next time i noticed the clock had over 40,000 miles, she responded that the garage had duped her and she pleaded ignorant, on the next visit it had been replaced with a new car to which she said the garage had replaced, ( Another lie ) she had kept the money ( 700,000 PHP ) and mortgaged, the car the paperwork i will update below, the loan she had taken out was with the Philippine National Bank as stated on the insurance document below, keeping the cash i sent her. below is the car in question
Having been advised to seek legal help, i got myself a lawyer to investigate the property who came back with the below, the deeds quite clearly state the situation on the houses, 1 was mortgage for 1,500,000 php to the bank and the other, all though the property was in her name, the land it was built on was not, according to the lawyer this as was deliberate attempt by wife and the developer to defraud me out of the property. The below was taken out, 1 month after i had suffered an heart attack in Saudi Arabia, and 1 week after she returned back to the Philippines after visiting me in Bahrain, and again after she had started her affair with the said Jec Quado. 2014
Having got married in Jan 2015, having mentioned that i would be sourcing a house in the UK my wife persuaded me to purchase another house on the same estate ( Beverley Hills Lipa ) for 3.5 Million PHP, this was purchased in Sept / October 2015 again after she ran away with her lover i discovered on the deeds the land did not belong to us and she had the deeds in her maiden name ( Dimayuga and not Cavagan despite being married ( See below )
As you can see on the above, it is stating the property is in her name but not the land !! again all the time she was having her affair, having left me, i then searched Facebook only to find this property on her friends page for sale 3 months after i purchased it ( See Below ) even through out 2015 after being married, i would return to the Philippines and she would act if nothing had happened just to keep this fraud going. The persons Facebook ( Lara Scarella ) is who she worked with in Bahrain and who taken a bank loan out in Bahrian, on taking her leave back to the Philippines, never returned back to Bahrain, stealing the money and not paying it back, again working for the Prudential insurance, do not buy anything from this woman
My Circumstances, will follow this introduction, and whilst i hate to admit it, have been ripped off to the tune of 100s thousands of pounds, due to the laws of the Philippines and how, the women of the Philippines use these laws to screw you over. Whilst i knew my wife for over 8 years and thought this could never happen, trust me her planning started over 3 years ago with an affair someone her junior of 18 years and a Philippine guy. Both set out to defraud myself of property and monies and as i will explain the law in the Philippines is designed against us ( Expats ) and there is very little you can do.
Trust me, when it all goes wrong, you will have people on her side, come out of the wood work and do nothing but lie, cheat against you despite swearing oaths and providing affidavits against you, based on getting % of what your wife gains.
I will now, state that i have friends that have married Philippine women and are happy and have been for some years now, however statistics are now getting worse and worse of the amount of expats getting ripped off due to pure greed of these women.
Having met my wife in Bahrain 2009, Emelyn Dimayuga, or Emelyn Cordero Dimayuga she likes to call herself. The relationship went well, we had trips to Dubai and back to the Philippines, were we would visit the family and her children. 3 weeks in to the relationship, her sister in law passed away and she had to return home to Batangas, again i gave her $1,000 to assist with the funeral arrangements and the fact that she has to take time of from work unpaid.
Due to work commitments, in 2010 i decided to end the relationship, due to her requesting not to, she decided to return home and it was decided i would send monthly allowance to support, whilst she lived with her father. At this time i even paid off her HSBC loan $2,000 in order for her to return home. Payments were sent on a regular basis and additional monies sent for times such as birthdays & Christmas, with me visiting the Philippines on a regular basis. I say the latter and i advise all, for everything you either purchase KEEP receipts of purchase or money transfers, as like my wife, later on they will claim, that you either didn't send monies or failed on your promises, even to the fact that i paid her sons school fees, uniforms, books, she would later claim that i did not, so keep those receipts. ( The fact that 5 years later, this is what my wife actually did ) Having all the receipts and money transfer records, omitted this claim, however further into this story, you will see how devious and dishonest some of these people can be.
Again due to the fact, that her fathers home had no AC i paid for upgrade to the toilet / Shower facilities to a cost of $2,000. Holidays around the Philippines were a regular basis and taking her and my daughter to both Bahrain & Dubai on frequent basis and i have put together in chronological order for you to see, in this blog.
The person in Question my wife Emelyn Dimayuga / Emelyn Cordero Dimayuga
Photos taken in Bahrain and Dubai ( Irish Village )
Photos below from previous holidays, with the family, my wife and daughter, prior to 2012, lets not forget, in 2017 this woman, would claim that she got NO support, Monies, and claimed hardship due to me not supporting her, despite me having all the transfer records of payments sent, which i will share later in the blog. Again i advise you to take and keep all your photos safe, just in case this happens to you, some not all, are prepared to wait a timeline to gain the rewards from you at any cost.
Also just bear in mind and take into consideration if your wife is not taking photos or displaying any in the house or residence, i failed to take this into account and its a sign she is not interested in memoirs what so ever, just the money in your account.
Despite claiming in 2017 she got no support back in 2010, the fund records will be presented later in the blog, but below evidence to the contrary that she fully agreed that i was working and providing for her and the family 100%
In 2011 she requested that we get fake marriage documents, in order for her to travel to Saudi & Bahrain, despite her getting these, i would not use for this purpose due to work issues. ( See Below ) she obtained these in Pasay Philippines
Despite visiting the Philippines and having my wife return to Bahrain on numerous occasions, it all has become apparent that the deceptive and plan to de-fraud me out of as much money as possible started in December 2012. This all came to light, after she left in April 2 2017, after finding paperwork in the garbage which she failed to destroy.
During my visit in December 2012, her fathers house ( Bedrooms ) had been turned into a computer shop, my wife informed me that her father had sold land and this money was used to set up the shop ( Yeah Right ) the start of many lies to come. Having found the original loan details, there was NO way my wife could have afforded the loan payments, and this was were her plan was put into motion.Monies left over were used to pay for a family holiday to Baguio for around 10 of her family + she also set up a business in the house selling cosmetics, on my visits back home, these would all be removed from the house until i departed. how did i find out ( Facebook ) whilst i never used to use this social media, if i had been, i would have not been in this situation, since she left after drawing all the monies out of the bank and absconding, the stuff i have found on facebook going back years, is amazing, so if your not on, i suggest you do and start searching, my wife had 4 accounts all under different names, birth dates, not one photo of the family together and none of the houses, property i had purchased, ( This is unique for a pinoy ) as they are always proud of what they have, this and other things i found, would have set alarm bells in the early stages. So get on Facebook.
Despite my wife advising she had never been to Baguio, the above holiday took place October 2012, prior to me returning for xmas to the Philippines. Origin one of her fake Facebook accounts.Paid for from the loan she had taken out to purchase the computers, whilst continuing to state, the loan was under her father. Total was more than 450,000 PHP to which she had no possible way to pay these installments. Based on the monthly allowance i sent each month. The below document, was found in trash at the property Beverly Hills Lipa . This was the start of her deception and plan to defraud, Lie, Cheat her way to deception of monies and property to the full.
Within my next trip back to the Philippines in a matter of months, the computer shop had failed and the computers removed, again she still stated, the monies, came from her father.
In 2013 Jan my daughter and wife accompanied me back to BAH, to where we went to Dubai, on a conference in Dubai, staying at the Atlantis hotel, having found one of here 4 Facebook accounts in 2017, the only photos are of our daughter, none of her accounts have photos of the holidays, Property. This was followed up with me returning to the Philippines 2-3 times, after she returned. Previously i had paid for my wife and daughter to return to Bahrain 2011
( See above Photos ) It was 2013 that having my wife continuously complain about the number of children in her fathers house and the noise to purchase our own house, and in 2013, this is exactly what i did, 3 years after she moved back to the Philippines, of course now she is claiming, that this was promised !!!!! the house was purchased at a cost of 5.6 Million PHP e.g. 90,000 UKL.
With me returning to Philippines, on my birthday or Christmas, through out 2013, she has claimed that the house was never furnished despite, evidence of all the transactions that took place on sending her money and the photos she send me via mobile of the furniture she was requesting ( Below )
Despite my concerns at the cost, my wife, had an affidavit, done buy a local lawyer, that she would not sell, mortgage, or rent the property and the monies had been paid by myself, do not waste you time having this done, it means nothing and is worthless
Above is the house in question, located in Lipa Batangas, Beverly Hills, within a year ( 2014 )she had mortgaged the house, ( 2 Loans, 1 Million October & 500,000 November ) reason for the loan on the paperwork ( Computer Shop ) with the Co-Operative Bank Batangas for 1.5 Million PHP. and started her affair with a local 22 year old Philippine guy, who from that time on wards set out to defraud my of as much property and money as they could. Jericho Quado Lipa Batangas, works at ( Pulido Apparel Company Calabarzon ) Philippines. Photos on the separate posting. Introduced the latter to our daughter as her cousin and the same to her son, you will see later in the blog, what effect this must have had, when she started sleeping with this individual in the same residence as her son and daughter.
Previous to her mortgaging the house, she and my daughter visited BAH for a month and in June on my return to the Philippines we vacated in Puerto Gallera ( Philippines ) with the whole family
As previously stated my wife has NO photos what so ever of any of these vacations, and it is at this stage, her whole intention, was to mortgage the house and defraud me of my assests.
It is here or shortly after she has started her affair with this local individual, when he would of been 20 years old, and he was introduced as her sons cousin, in order to get him used to him, you will see from her sons comments to me in a conversation Sept 2017 where she has disowned her son for this individual and despite stealing 3.5 Million PHP( 70,000 GBP ) from our bank, refused to pay his school fees
Below: Copies of Mortgage she had taken out on the above property 1,500,000 PHP = 30,000 GBP without my knowledge and less than a year after i purchased it. You will see that the monthly payments are so high there was NO way she could afford the monthly payments on this loan, so as early as November 2014 her plan to de-fraud me out of monies & property was well under way and in conjunction with the said person Jericho Quado.
I returned to the Philippines in December, 2014, still unaware of any of the above, with my wife acting normal and if nothing had happened. Since i had obtained my divorce, we had planned our wedding for Jan 2015 to which took place in Lipa, Batangas knowing
everything she had done and now in an illicit affair, she still went ahead with the marriage. ( Obviously to keep the presence up that all was ok. )
I returned to the Middle East shortly after being married and her affair continued with the same individual, both of them continuing to thief as much as possible in terms of monies & property ( I returned Jan 2015.) the following are either documents or photos i have discovered since she left in April 2017 after i was located to the Philippines with work, a dream move for me, but obviously a nightmare for her as i was to discover all the deception that had been going on with the property and her affair. Within days of me leaving, she was at La Virginia Resort Batangas with her long time friend Laura Vascella, this is a woman who would later claim she never knew me personally but would act as and provide an affidavit on behalf of my wife, in order to stop me returning to the Philippines for my civil case on the property. A woman, who you will see had my 2nd property advertised on her Facebook page, only 4 months after i purchased the property, so obviously had a monetary gain. She Now works for the Prudential PH, a woman who obtained a bank loan in Bahrain and absconded back to the Philippines and left her employee to pay the loan. Again all the following found on FACEBOOK
The below, is a week after we were married and shows my wife with the mother of her boyfriend , she absconded with.
The below, is actual photo tagging her lover to my property, on the day of ,my daughters birthday proving her was in the property, again i would send additional monies in order for her to have a birthday party ( Beverly Hills, Lipa, Batangas. It also shows the whole Guado family in attendance, these photos i had never seen until i found them on Facebook, 24th May 2015 4 months after the wedding
Having gone back in June 2015, my wife was acting like everything was normal, In 2014 i had sent monies for her to buy a car after continuous nagging that our daughter was having to get the tricycle to school, she knew that the love i had for my daughter, she would only have to mention her name and i would say yes, ( Despite not been my natural daughter i had legally given her my name ) and raised her since 4 months old, my used this relationship with the sole purpose of using her daughter for financial gain. Since the real father another westerner had left my wife after she got pregnant, i since discovered and my wife admits she deliberate got pregnant in an attempt to make this guy marry her. so since it was around her birthday 26th June 2014 i sent the monies for a birthday gift, monies to purchase a new car, however after visiting Batangas the next time i noticed the clock had over 40,000 miles, she responded that the garage had duped her and she pleaded ignorant, on the next visit it had been replaced with a new car to which she said the garage had replaced, ( Another lie ) she had kept the money ( 700,000 PHP ) and mortgaged, the car the paperwork i will update below, the loan she had taken out was with the Philippine National Bank as stated on the insurance document below, keeping the cash i sent her. below is the car in question
Having been advised to seek legal help, i got myself a lawyer to investigate the property who came back with the below, the deeds quite clearly state the situation on the houses, 1 was mortgage for 1,500,000 php to the bank and the other, all though the property was in her name, the land it was built on was not, according to the lawyer this as was deliberate attempt by wife and the developer to defraud me out of the property. The below was taken out, 1 month after i had suffered an heart attack in Saudi Arabia, and 1 week after she returned back to the Philippines after visiting me in Bahrain, and again after she had started her affair with the said Jec Quado. 2014
Having got married in Jan 2015, having mentioned that i would be sourcing a house in the UK my wife persuaded me to purchase another house on the same estate ( Beverley Hills Lipa ) for 3.5 Million PHP, this was purchased in Sept / October 2015 again after she ran away with her lover i discovered on the deeds the land did not belong to us and she had the deeds in her maiden name ( Dimayuga and not Cavagan despite being married ( See below )
As you can see on the above, it is stating the property is in her name but not the land !! again all the time she was having her affair, having left me, i then searched Facebook only to find this property on her friends page for sale 3 months after i purchased it ( See Below ) even through out 2015 after being married, i would return to the Philippines and she would act if nothing had happened just to keep this fraud going. The persons Facebook ( Lara Scarella ) is who she worked with in Bahrain and who taken a bank loan out in Bahrian, on taking her leave back to the Philippines, never returned back to Bahrain, stealing the money and not paying it back, again working for the Prudential insurance, do not buy anything from this woman
Sorry to see this blog. As you have discovered, the affidavit to not encumber the property is worthless. It would be worthless in the U.S.A. and surely worthless in the Philippines. The quality of ypur life is determined by the character of the people you associate with. I see you have spent a lot of time and money on this, all for naught. Move forward into your future my friend. You are wiser now.
ReplyDeleteI hope your luck and experience is better in the future.
Sorry to see this blog. As you have discovered, the affidavit to not encumber the property is worthless. It would be worthless in the U.S.A. and surely worthless in the Philippines. The quality of ypur life is determined by the character of the people you associate with. I see you have spent a lot of time and money on this, all for naught. Move forward into your future my friend. You are wiser now.
ReplyDeleteI hope your luck and experience is better in the future.
Sorry to see this blog. As you have discovered, the affidavit to not encumber the property is worthless. It would be worthless in the U.S.A. and surely worthless in the Philippines. The quality of ypur life is determined by the character of the people you associate with. I see you have spent a lot of time and money on this, all for naught. Move forward into your future my friend. You are wiser now.
ReplyDeleteI hope your luck and experience is better in the future.
Lol this guy got back at this gold digger by uploading sex videos of her on the internet. Just google Emelyn Dimayuga and search for videos. It's really hard to say who's the more sick of the two
DeleteAnd I see that you had your revenge by uploading sex videos of her all around the internet. Dunno who played dirtier among the 2 of you sick fuckers
ReplyDeleteAll your videos online showing her name, and an interest in who's slamming this lady's name brought me here. I read over your issues and complaints. Yeah, she's got issues too but two wrongs don't make it right.
ReplyDeleteHow are you OK being all over the internet showing your dick with no shame? You should have published the videos when she was younger and thinner, like 2012, vs. the 2015 and later ones.
She had a BF before, she lied to you, those kids aren't yours, and you got cheated. There are many red flags before you fucked her-she has kids before, you're always away, every piece of property is in her name, you never married formally, etc. etc.
She's slutty or didn't like your puti little dick, I don't care, but you should have some shame yourself AND quit slamming this lady's name. You're just as much of a bad person as her being a 'thief'.
I bet her side of the story is equally interesting. She's just OK, the videos are triplicated many times, and you need to move on with life and learn from this HUGE mistake, drop the blog, drop the Xvideos, etc.
If I was this dude I will never stop...Keep you foot on her and her friends whole body and they all die a slow death...60% of filipina women really only want westerners for there money...so they can take care of there family because Filipina men are lazy and don't work and they are known for giving there kids to other family members all they do is have kids that they cant afford....I don't mess with any woman with kids...
DeleteYeah getting serious with a Pinay with kids is always a red flag. Most Pinays fuck foreigners to either get their money or a chance to move to a Western country.
DeleteThe guy could have kept it casual and not gotten involved in all this shit. I like the fact that Pinays are horny little sluts for foreign dick. That's the reason to simply cream their pussies with no strings attached. This whore mom of 2 was no different